Thanksgiving is, necessarily, a festival celebrated in the US,and it is truly huge.If a person hasn't experienced it, it is difficult to describe, but definitely worth knowing.Since I am in the US right now, it is extremely interesting, educative,and informative,and every family is very particular,and involved, in celebrating it to the hilt.It is all about being thankful for having family,friends, PLENTY of food,and getting together to enjoy the love,fun,and merriment, that is the common bond, for which everyone comes together.Everything closes down after 5 PM, the day before Thanksgiving,and people get totally immersed in their personal celebrations.Children are happy to get a break from their skejules,and the festivity brings a very cheerful and smiling touch to the air.A most welcome chahge from the usual back-breaking, daily grind.
I am constantly reminded of the atmosphere in India,during the festival season,when all lof us Indians, are completely engrossed in enjoying each one,the planning,and preparing of which starts months in advance.Shopping for gifts,choosing the right one,planning the menu,guest list,who will wear what,and innumerable other aspects that are a part of any celebration.Even my maid, who is a sweet, elderly person,gives me full details ,of what she plans during the festivals,and is all smiles as she talks about it.And it is this feeling of joy,hope, and anticipation, that makes festivals special to one, and all.And Thanksgiving, in the US is really no different,only the methods are.I am very interested in acquiring knowledge ,about the different facets of the culture of the places I visit,and am an active participant in the festivals here, whenever I visit.It is customary for families to get-together,either at the parents, or grandparents home,and apart from the joy of togetherness,it is the Thanksgiving lunch, that is the focal point of attraction,and what everyone looks forward to.The planning, preparation, and hard work, behind this lunch, cannot be described in words,but it is an exercise in itself.A huge roasted turkey is the main attraction,as also the accompaniments,and everyone joins in, to make it a family affair.Roast turkey, the stuffing, biscuits,mashed potatoes with brown gravy,coleslaw,cranberry relish,and dessert is usually the standard menu,with a few variations, from family to family.I had the greatest pleasure in witnessing my son Ashis, and grandsons,Ayon 16, and Aryik 13, actively participate in the preparations, each cook one dish,help in the setting of the festive table,and dress up for the special dinner.It was a GREAT experience,and we should all be thankful for whatever we have, cherish whatever comes our way, as God's blessings,and be thankful to Him for having each other,to care and share, and always be there.And throughout this beautiful day, I thanked God all the time, for my family, and friends, and all the joys He has given me.Enjoy the photos.