"No matter where in the world you may roam,there's never any place like home!"And indeed,thats very true.I have returned home, after an extensive 3-month trip to Buffalo, to be with my darling grandchildren,who made every moment a treasure.It was great fun,extremely enjoyable,and a tremendous learning experience.If one is alert,watchful,eager,and attentive, it is easy to learn so much, about so many aspects of life,and their expertise is amazing.They seem to know everything about everything,and are so cool,and comfortable handling situations,that I often wished I had their kind of exposure,and could handle things with their kind of ease.
I enjoyed the beauty of the seasons,and it was truly an amazing experience.The colours of fall are just beautiful,in various hues of bright red,copper,orange,yellow,and a great visual treat.The scenic beauty all around is wonderful,and I would go around with my camera,to hold them, in the data bank of my heart.This was followed by winter,which is very fierce there.Xmas,and New Year were fun,with Rima's beautiful Xmas tree, decorated,and loaded with gifts,the New Years eve party,after which,we got together at home, and ushered in 2010 with champagne.I loved it.
From now, till April,Buffalo will be completely covered in mountains of snow,dark from 4 PM,and very grey,most of the time, But inside, it was always warm,with the constant care,love,and affection which was always in abundance.I treasure every moment of my time,and will always cherish the lovely memories I carry.
But home is home,and although, leaving them,and coming away, is very agonising,it felt good to come back.This is my domain,created by me,in exactly the way I like,everything tailormade, just the way I want them.It is comfortable,very joyful,and a real happy place.It provides me with mental peace,smiles,and a peaceful sleep at night,all of which are very precious gifts of God.And I thank Him for that.Buffalo was very nice, thanks to my family,but this is my home, the best place in the world,where I am completely at peace with myself.