Saturday, July 11, 2009


It is already one week since I have returned home,from my fabulous trip to Singapore,and I cannot imagine where time flies.It has always been said,Home,sweet home,or Home is where the heart is,but what is it about a home,that makes it the best place on earth?Is it because its all about the person/persons who live in it, giving it the atmosphere that is inseparable,indelible,and so endearing?My home is all about me,everything exactly as I like it,in the way I'd want it,and there is such an air of calm,and solace,that coming back,from the best places in the world,is something I always look forward to.When I enter,after a long absence,one look around, tells me the tremendous work waiting for me, which will keep me busy for quite a few days.But, the joy is overpowering,and its like being welcomed, into the comforting arms of a loving,doting mother,which is a feeling that is unique,so pleasurable,and warm.So homecoming has always been a very peaceful, and soothing experience for me,and I truly thank God for this gift.Also,my greatest source of inner fulfilment,complete peace,solace,comfort,and endless joy,are my grandchildren,who,by their love,and innocence,have embellished my life with richness,that defies description,and is penetrating,everlasting,and enriching.I miss my darling rainbow very much,and wish we could be together more often. But her presence in my life is the gift I treasure,and enjoy all the time.May God bless her with good health,loads of smiles,success,and may her dreams come true, and may we continue to savour the relationship we share, forever.Love you deeply,my dearest Tia!

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