People spend their whole lives,running after big things,when its the little things in life, that are important,and make a huge difference.I go for those little moments,or incidents,which fill my heart,and are a constant source of pleasure,carefully stored inside,and my personal wealth."For gold is cold,and lifeless,it can neither see,nor hear,And in the time of trouble,it is powerless to cheer!"And its the little persons in my life,who have filled it ,to the brim,with untold happiness,and made my life a very exciting,and joyful adventure.
Noyonika, who is twelve,loves sweets,and from the time I have arrived,has been after me,to make the ones she loves.And this morning,I prepared her favourite rangaloor puli,to give her a surprise,after she got up.And indeed she was.Her excitement knew no bounds,and she wore a big smile,as she savoured the inviting smell of what she had been waiting for.That she would have them for breakfast,made her day,and she was ready with her plate and spoon, to dig in.There was a box of sweets lying in front of her,from one of the reputed shops of S'Pore.She pushed it aside with a big smile and said,"Who wants you now,when the real thing is before me!"and took her first bite of the warm,juicy, pulis.And that moment will always be a very special memory for me,a priceless gift,from a very special person.Because children are very innocent,and spontaneous,and do not hesitate to say things as they are.An adult would not have reacted in this way, and even if a compliment is due,will be guarded about it.But she put her heart out,because her happiness knew no bounds,and gave me, a Kodak moment.Cooking is my passion,but its moments like these,that are truly prized,and make all my efforts worth it.My kitchen is my most favourite place, in the whole, wide world,but its little incidents like these,that add to its joy.
Another day,she and I, were gallivanting in the mall,as we often do,and when we came out we saw, it had been raining.Being a water sign,I love the rain,and happily said, that since we live across the road,it didn't matter.But she immediately held my hand tightly, and said,"Don't worry,I won't let you fall!"Believe me,it was one of the the most touching moments of my life,that too from a little child.And after that,she has told me, innumerable times,that she,and her cousins, Ayon,and Aryik,(my grandsons) will always look after me!Is there anything else that can be more precious than this?Not to me,and I wish adults took some lessons from children, on how to be caring,and kind.They could change the world,and reduce the tremendous disrespect,neglect,and abuse, faced by the elderly,in society today.But I am very thankful to God,for these "little" joys in my life,who make a "HUGE" difference,and play a very impressive,and indelible role in my life.
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