Why is it then, that many people are so miserly about giving love, ignorant about its all-encompassing joy,and the fulfilment it brings?Just a warm smile,a phone-call,a few kind words,a hug,or a pat on the back,can change the day for a person,and put a spring in his step.And there are many, who do not know how to receive love,who misunderstand a gesture of love,and give their own connotations to an innocuous act. According to me,such people are unfortunate,sad,and misguided, for even an infant, understands a touch of love.And what a sad way of going through life,by rejecting love, the most valuable,and prized gift, that makes all the difference to living,and the energy behind everything.
I have myself had, many bitter experiences,with such empty people,who misunderstood,or misconstrued my gesture of love,and gave it a completely different picture.But I always look at such incidents as a learning experience,refrain from interacting with such lonely,pathetic people, and continue on my quest to do everything with love,which makes all the difference to life,and living.
My friends in Chennai are waiting to give me a welcome fit for a queen,and my happiness knows no bounds.I am constantly reminded of the famous song,sung by my favourite, Th eBeatle,"I don't care so much for money,for money can't buy me love!"Money is indeed very necessary,but all the money in the world doesn't guarantee health,happiness and peace,the three MOST important requirements, for success,and fulfilment.I thank God all the time,for filling my life with so much love,and for giving me so much joy as an incentive to go on a big trip,just to savour its pleasures.
I have myself had, many bitter experiences,with such empty people,who misunderstood,or misconstrued my gesture of love,and gave it a completely different picture.But I always look at such incidents as a learning experience,refrain from interacting with such lonely,pathetic people, and continue on my quest to do everything with love,which makes all the difference to life,and living.
My friends in Chennai are waiting to give me a welcome fit for a queen,and my happiness knows no bounds.I am constantly reminded of the famous song,sung by my favourite, Th eBeatle,"I don't care so much for money,for money can't buy me love!"Money is indeed very necessary,but all the money in the world doesn't guarantee health,happiness and peace,the three MOST important requirements, for success,and fulfilment.I thank God all the time,for filling my life with so much love,and for giving me so much joy as an incentive to go on a big trip,just to savour its pleasures.
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