Saturday, March 26, 2011


Today,my darling butterball, Reedoo,celebrates his 4th.b'day,and my only thought is,I wish I was there, to celebrate with him.I would have loved to cook something special for him,maybe luchi torkari,some sweets,or a cake,anything that would give the celebration my personal touch.And then,enjoy the day with him.But none of this is possible,and so, I spend my time, thinking of the innumerable memories, that come tumbling out, of the data bank, of my heart,where they are stored,with deep love.
I remember,very vividly,the day Ashis was born.I arrived in the hospital in the afternoon,and a severe storm started,soon after.Being young,and totally unaware of whats going to happen,I was walking around,talking to the other mothers,lined up for their proper time.The doctor,a very renowned expert, kept a watch on me,and my husband sat around, trying to read, to hide his anxiety.He was like a cat on a hot tin roof,nervous,edgy, ignorant about everything,and constantly looking at me,trying to figure out what was happening.In those days, it was innocence that was so touching, in a relationship.We only had each other,and at that crucial moment,he wanted to help, in any way possible.And when I was taken away into the delivery room,the look on his face, is still clearly etched, in my mind.Worry,helplessness,anxiety,all rolled into one.
He was born around 5-40 PM,after a very normal,easy birth,and when we were taken to our room,the huge smile on his fathers sweaty,tired face,made my day,and I forgot about the physical upheaval I had gone through.He was like a little child,excited,happy,and thrilled with the little face in front of him.Both of us loved children,and were completely overjoyed with the arrival of Ashis.He held my hand,as I sipped the hot filter coffee,and lovely soft,white iddlis he had bought,specially for me.The expression of love, varies from person to person,and my husband came from a very simple,conservative family,where it wasn't proper to be demonstrative about such things.But it was this simplicity that always appealed to me,and his childlike gestures really touched my heart.And,in that tiny hospital room,two young people,very mush in love,held their baby,and were getting ready, to write the next chapter, in their beautiful love story.
But hey! Its Reedo's b'day,and he is the most beautiful,cheerful,happy child imaginable,very friendly,very social,loves talking,and a real bundle of joy.My friends say, God brought him into my life,as a special gift,because I love children,love spending time with them,love to knit for them, in short,I enjoy everything with them.And indeed, that is very true.Its a joy to be with my darling, just like the other three,and they have brought me joy,and fulfilment, that cannot be described.And today, on his b'day,I wish him all the very best in everything,and may he always enjoy happiness, in whatever he undertakes,wherever he goes.May God gift him with good health,peace,and lots of smiles,that is my prayer on his 4th.b'day.Love you,my sweetheart!

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