My 12 yr.old grand daughter,the very talented Noyonika,has written a very touching tribute to Michael Jackson,the pop icon of this century, who collapsed,and died on Thurs.25th.June,at 2 PM.And I have decided to pen my thoughts as well,although I wasn't a fan, so to say,but knew his music,watched his concerts on TV,read about him,and thanks to the very active media,every aspect of his personal life,was up for public scrutiny.His songs were super duper hits,his shows completely sold out,and because of his persona,he was feted, followed, and imitated, by millions.And his dancing mesmerised his fans,who couldn't get enough of him,and many decided to follow in his footsteps,by dressing up like him,and trying to perform like him.It is said that,"imitation is the highest form of flattery,"and Michael was iconised,idolised,and admired by millions.
But behind this very glamorous facade, of a huge star celebrity,lived a very sad,lonely man,traumatised by his mental complexities,innumerable physical disabilities,and his incapability to handle himself,and walk on his chosen track.His personal life was in shambles,he made strange choices, which only created more complications,and health was not on his side.Over the last ten years,he had to battle court cases against very cruel allegations,and life seemed to take a downward trend,from where he saw no way out.But he did get out,God helped him to escape it all, from the depths of desperation, he has attained final peace,and left the world to figure him out,in whatever way it chose.But there is nothing to figure out,he will always remain the greatest pop icon of this century,idolised by millions,feted by his peers in the industry,and loved by his children,and family.Let us all join in,and respect a great singer,and performer,who has touched the lives of so many, in his own way."Mortality has an expiry date,but the living of life,and work, will always be immortal!' R.I.P.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Here is my first recipe,for the recipe file.Since all Indians love desserts,I've decided to start with a very traditional,typically Bengali sweet,called Malpo,which is a great favourite with all my family members,and close friends.So get started:
Ingredients:1 cup maida(white flour)+1 tsp baking pwd.Sieve.
1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk
1tspn. saunf(aniseeds)/green cardamom pwd.
Handful raisins
1/2 cup grated fresh coconut
Milk to mix
Sugar syrup from 2 cups sugar+1 1/2 cups water.
Method: Take a deep, round bowl,put in the maida,add ghee,mix well,then with milk,mix into a smooth batter.Add condensed milk,all other ingredients,and with more milk,make a batter as for pancakes.It should not be thick.Leave to rest for 15 mins.Take a non-stick pan,brush with oil,heat,then pour in one ladlefull of the batter,and spread to make a perfect round.Cook on low fire,adding little oil on the sides,and turn,so both sides are golden.Dip in warm syrup,and remove after half a minute.If served with a smile,it becomes very enticing,and attractive.Try it.Best of luck.
Ingredients:1 cup maida(white flour)+1 tsp baking pwd.Sieve.
1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk
1tspn. saunf(aniseeds)/green cardamom pwd.
Handful raisins
1/2 cup grated fresh coconut
Milk to mix
Sugar syrup from 2 cups sugar+1 1/2 cups water.
Method: Take a deep, round bowl,put in the maida,add ghee,mix well,then with milk,mix into a smooth batter.Add condensed milk,all other ingredients,and with more milk,make a batter as for pancakes.It should not be thick.Leave to rest for 15 mins.Take a non-stick pan,brush with oil,heat,then pour in one ladlefull of the batter,and spread to make a perfect round.Cook on low fire,adding little oil on the sides,and turn,so both sides are golden.Dip in warm syrup,and remove after half a minute.If served with a smile,it becomes very enticing,and attractive.Try it.Best of luck.

Is there any mother in this world wide web, who doesn't like to talk about her children?Who doesn't think that hers are definitely THE best,and loves everything about them?I don't think so,and I am NO exception."A mother is a mother, all her life!" and frankly,thats what I do best,mothering,and now that I am a 4-time grand mother,I really love my job.This photo was taken on Father's Day,2009,when I was present in Singapore,to celebrate it with Manna,and my darling fireball,Noyonika.I had come fully prepared for this,and since he is a voracious reader,I brought two lovely books,as gifts.And here you can see us all,enjoying the moment of gift giving.Manna was a very sweet,very humorous,and ever smiling child,who followed his brother Ashis,like a lamb,and was full of little pranks.He loved eating,sweets being his all time favourite,and was a sportsperson too.He was a champion at T.T/Badminton/tennis/chess,was in his school gymnastics team, a good scout, and a great partner for his equally sports loving father.I loved the excitement when they played against each other in T.T, or any other sport,and my husband always teased me ,because I cheered for Manna,always.We were a very happy family,happy with each other.But now,when I see Manna as a father,I feel very proud,because he has excelled himself,in every way.He is extremely caring,does everything for his daughter,and I love to see their perfect rapport.That is, after all,what relationships are about.Inspite of his very busy professional life,he doesn't hesitate to do anything for her, no matter how tired he may be,(I can see that!),and is there for her,willingly,happily.Manna,I am always blessing you,from my heart,that both of you enjoy your life together,and always have a lot of smiles between you.Well done,my dear child,nothing can stop you from going on your track.You're doing GREAT!All my love always.
Monday, June 22, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009

"No matter where in the world you may roam,there's never really a place like home!"Or,"Home is where the heart is," Home sweet home!"These are some of the ways a home is referred to,but my home is my haven,the best place in the world,very peaceful,comfortable,full of love,friendship,and smiles,where I enjoy living,and which creates the atmosphere for me,to give vent to my creativity,dreams,hopes,and aspirations ,and where I am in constant touch with the real me,the person inside.Every one has innumerable facets, but not many explore them,or even realise their presence.But today,I want to share with you,my dear visitors,the place in my home,which is my favourite,and a great attraction for my friends.This is a picture of my terrace,just outside the living/dining/kitchen area,and is always buzzing with animated conversation sessions,lots of food,and musical get-togethers.Many of my friends, refuse to move from here,specially the swing,when they have loaded their plate,chosen their drink,and are fully geared to enjoy their visit.And I love it that way, for it shows they are relaxed,and happy.It has a fairytale appearance on full moon nights,and watching the gorgeous sunset is truly mesmerising,and a photographers delight.It is also my favourite place for thinking,reading,planning my innumerable projects,and just dreaming.I am completely at peace in this little red corner of my precious home.
In the other picture,you can see my dining table, as it looks, when I entertain,which is very often,and regularly,with my dear friend Aninda,who is always an important helping hand,for every occasion.I had to show you this one,so you can see the connexion, between food,friendship,and enjoyment.Thats the real me,and the values I live by. "What is this life,if,full of care,You have no time, to stand,and stare"?Yes,this is my time to enjoy the pleasure of being free of compulsions,and demands,and soaking in the beautiful feeling, of giving in to my own desires,and always doing what I love most.You are most welcome to join me,and share my life,if you have a liking for all of these.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Yesterday, Iwas invited to the home, of one of my young friends,whom I met during my visits,and who are friends of my son Ashis,and his wife Rima.And it was a truly beautiful,soothing experience.Apart from being very simple,down-to -earth people,the feeling I got from the moment I stepped in to their lovely home,was the constant giving of love,care,thoughtfulness,and personal time,to welcome me,and make my visit extra special.In today's hectic,fast paced world,to make time for someone,and be caring,and kind, is the greatest gift to give,and I am thankful to God for this blessing,which I will store in my heart forever.As I sat there,enjoying the company,I was collecting every bit of the precious moments coming my way,to treasure,which will be my greatest source of comfort,and smiles,as I travel on the journey of life.And love is so fulfilling,all encompassing,energising, such a motivator,and creator,with a warmth that touches every heart, and reaches far,and wide.Both husband,and wife,and their lovely kind,well -brought -up children, personally looked after me,the food was great,all arrangements perfect,and it was an expression of knowing what to do,how to do it,and doing it well.I had a great time,but the whole evening was a precious,priceless gift,which was a most joyous experience.There is never any price tag on love,because it is invaluable,but both the giver,and receiver benefit from it,because it brings tremendous peace,and inner calmness.Thank you guyz,lets all give the precious gifts of time and love to everyone,and create happiness all around.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Today is Father's Day,and every year,on this day,I am immediately reminded of my father,and what a wonderful,great person he was,and a huge influence in my life,even today.In those days,people were very simple,had very lofty principles,and ideals,and lived exemplary lives of honesty,dignity,good values,and stood out as towering examples in every way.My father was a doctor,but well known for being a very humble, soft-spoken,thorough gentleman,devoted to his family,and profession,and always available to both.He wore a charming smile,and his kind,caring ways, gave him instant entry, to every heart he touched.But he was very humorous,and always entertained us with innumerable humorous anecdotes,about life in general.He was a Jack of many trades,fishing,making superb jams, jellies,pickles,and sherbets,an all-in-one musician,who played several instruments with consummate ease,but most of all,a wonderful, caring,loving father,an example to follow.I must also mention my darling father-in-law,who taught me many invaluable lessons in life,which are still my guide lines,and is a huge influence in whatever I do.My husband was also an excellent father in every way,who adored his children,and enjoyed his time with them.
Things are very different now,life is very fast paced,lifestyles have changed,children are facing a very tough,competitive world,but fathers are playing their roles to the hilt.When I see my son's as fathers, I enjoy every moment,and am surprised at the numerous things they tackle,so easily,and comfortably,inspite of their own backbreaking schedules.From bathing their new-born children,to changing diapers,feeding,playing,teaching,and always being there for them,they do it all,which makes me very happy indeed.After all, that is the job of every parent,and every role comes with its own demands,and frills.But the relationship between a father and his children is very special,and today,on Father's Day,I wish all fathers happiness,peace,and fulfilment, in this,their very important role in life.Have fun guyz,enjoy,and smile,and things will fall into place.
Things are very different now,life is very fast paced,lifestyles have changed,children are facing a very tough,competitive world,but fathers are playing their roles to the hilt.When I see my son's as fathers, I enjoy every moment,and am surprised at the numerous things they tackle,so easily,and comfortably,inspite of their own backbreaking schedules.From bathing their new-born children,to changing diapers,feeding,playing,teaching,and always being there for them,they do it all,which makes me very happy indeed.After all, that is the job of every parent,and every role comes with its own demands,and frills.But the relationship between a father and his children is very special,and today,on Father's Day,I wish all fathers happiness,peace,and fulfilment, in this,their very important role in life.Have fun guyz,enjoy,and smile,and things will fall into place.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Hello my dear friends and visitors,hope you are fine,and enjoying doing UR own thing,which is what makes life beautiful,and happy.Well,here I am,doing what I love most,caught on camera by my son Manna,with the spread I had prepared for his anniversary.The table looked attractive,and inviting,and although, if I was back in my home in India,I could have done a much better job,this was fine too.Its all about having a good time,and we were very happy.Food is something everyone is interested in,the degrees may vary,but the excitement is always there,and,for a food addict like me,it is an experience in creativity,which defies description.There is a special joy in turning out dishes that are each ones favourite,and then,when they dig in,the look of satisfaction on their faces, is the biggest reward for the creator.I derive great pleasure in doing something for someone,and near, and dear ones, make it a special moment.Being present here is S'Pore to celebrate their special days with them,was a gift of God Iwill always treasure."happiness lies in making a bouquet, of those flowers, within reach!"And while blessing Manna and Losita with good health,mental peace,and warm smiles,Ithank God, for giving me the ability, to live my life my own way,doing what I love,and having a great time.So c'mon friends,live it up,and go for it!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

From the time I have seen this photo,I am flying high,like a little bird,feeling great,because it is the realisation of a dream, I have always harboured,and now that it has come true,it is truly a gift to me.I'm sure you,my visitors, are wondering what I am talking about?Well,the pretty young lady,3rd.from left,is my elder bahu Rima,and seeing her sing on stage ,for a special Bengali programme,has brought me tremendous joy.She has received training in Odissi dance,and is a very graceful dancer.At my insistence,she joined the competition for Dhunuchi dance,during Durga Puja,in the 1st.year after marriage,and won the 1st prize.The potential and talent is there,she needs to take the steps to come out,and perform.That is the day I am waiting for.I have always encouraged my two bahu's, to go ahead ,and realise their dreams,specially their talents,which must be nurtured with dedication,and devotion.And for that,if I can help in any way,I am always ready.The ball is in their court.Of course I understand,that living in different foreign countries,with little children to take care of,plus 1001 other heavy responsibilities,it is difficult,or rather impossible, to take time out for one's own self.But to Rima I say,very well done!You have taken one step,now take a few more,and dance,and that will be a gift to me,and to yourself,because you will then have recognised an important person,waiting in the wings to fly,yourself!Remember what it says in the L'oreal ad?"Because I'm worth it!"Congrats!Yeh dil maange more!Love you my dear girl!UR sasuri!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Hridu's Pics!

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Whenever I come outside the door of my beautiful home, I always smile,and say hello, to everyone I meet,young,elderly,helpers,workers,those I meet in the lift,and everyone in general.At first,this attitude of mine,surprised everyone,and some were rather unwilling to respond,others even dismissed me as silly.But I continued in my way,and my belief, that it doesn't do anyone any harm to smile,in fact, it starts a journey of joy,which is contageous,and I want to be a carrier,and spread happiness far,and wide.In today's world,there is so much hatred,animosity,suspicion,intolerance,and selfishness,that all of us must wake up,and take concrete steps, to be the change we want to see,and must bring,around us.And a smile,and hello can work wonders.I say this from personal experience.Now, everyone in the apartment complex where I live,wears a big smile as soon as they see me,we always stop to chat,enjoy the camaraderie,and they even call me"the smiling aunty!"Little children ring my doorbell,and come in to chat,and my friends children,and grandchildren, love to day spend with me,so I feel,I am on the right track.I travel a lot,and very regularly,and when I return home,the security guards at the gate, immediately wear big smiles,and say,"Good that you have returned,the smiles,and hellos, had gone with you!"So my dear friends,and visitors,"smile awhile,and while you smile, make others smile,and soon there will be miles,and miles of smiles,and life will be worthwhile,because you smile!"Smiles can remove tears,fears,and create strength,courage,and confidence.Isn't it worth a try?Love to all.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Yesterday,it was Manna and Losita's anniversary,(my son and daughter-in -law,for new comers!)and at such times,I always get nostalgic,and must take a trip down memory lane.I remember every moment, of the time he was born,and then, as we started moving together,on our journey of life, studded with memorable moments,good and bad,which are treasured memories, in the data bank of my heart.And today,he has his own life,with his family,our moments together are few,and far between,because we are separated by many miles,but when we meet,I treasure,and enjoy my time,because "happiness lies, in making a bouquet ,of those flowers within reach!"But,it is also a time for gift giving,and that can be a very problematic situation.But not for me,because I gave them gifts which are very rare for them ,very easy for me,and the returns,enjoyable,and fulfilling.I gifted them with my time, which I shared with my sweet Noyonika,while they got the time to spend their special day together,with each other,without having to bother about their little daughter, in any way.To me, the most precious gifts are time,love,care,compassion,and thoughtfulness,and I think I gave all these to my son and daughter -in-law.Can you think of a better gift?Try!
Hello world,hope all of you,my dear visitors,are smiling, and raring to go,in whichever direction you have chosen?Well, heres something for all parents,young,or old,grandparents,and all elders in general.The more time I spend with my grandchildren,ages ranging from two to sixteen,I am filled with wonder, at their tremendous capabilities,their cool attitude,their knowledge about most things,and the ease with which they blend into their fast paced world.They are my constant learning experience,and I watch,study,and try to pick up things from them, at every step.Why then ,do adults always dismiss children, as helpless,silly,or poor things,who don't know anything,and must be tutored,handheld,guided,and goaded, every step of their way?I think its time, all elders, sit up and learn some important lessons, from the children around.And the first steps in that direction would be to love,laugh,listen(this is of primary importance),learn,and give importance to them as individuals,help them to flower like an expert gardener,not coerce,and cajole,or control them to become someone they are not cut out for,but suit the parental mould.Every child I have come across,specially in the 21st.century,is a wake up call to parents and adults,to free themselves from the fetters of a time-warped mind,and enter the kidz zone,to realise what a beautiful,knowledgeable, enriching,and entertaining experience a child can be.A change of attitude,in parents,and all adults,is definitely called for,and I would love everyone to hear my voice,and help our kids grow up, as happy,fulfilled,successful individuals.Happy parenting!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
A very warm,smiley hello, to all of you,my dear visitors,and, I'm sure you must be wondering ,what I'm talking about.Yes,I AM talking about losing all those things ,that make life miserable,create unhappiness all around,and spread tension,and sorrow.The first thing to lose is UR ego,the most damaging,destructive,and defeating of human emotions.Lose the "I",and you will feel lighter,there will be happy faces all around.Next,don't have a fixation with yourself,put your hand out towards someone else,and receive the gift of smiles.In the bible it says,"give,and you shall receive!"Lose yourself,and gain fulfilment,that is a life well lived.Lose the heavy burden of jealousy,rivalry,criticism,oneupmanship,and enjoy the freedom of being mentally light,the joy of a good nights sleep,of always having a song in your heart,and a smile on your lips.And be forgetful,lose the necessity of harping on unnecessary, unwanted,incidents,for they take you away from your goal.Lets all try to be clean,fresh persons,by keeping ourselves clean inside,and being a carrier of happiness,and joy.lets give it a try,and see the difference,for its making a difference that really matters.Have a very peaceful day love you all.
Tomorrow is my daughter-in-laws b'day,and the next day,their anniversary,so I have been planning some surprises, to catch them unawares.It is this planning,and preparing,and then seeing their surprised faces,that is giving me the initiative to just go for it,and give it my best shot.If I was in India now,it would have been a breeze,because I have a wonderful kitchen,professionally equipped,and working in it,my greatest pleasure on earth.I have a poem outside it, which begins with the lines,"My kitchen is my favourite place",and indeed it is.I love being in my kitchen,because it is my greatest source of inspiration,energy,and creativity,and also a research centre.But since I am in Singapore,I have to find my way around,search for the correct ingredients,improvise,and then comeout with whatever I have planned.But everything becomes easy,when the outcome involves near,and dear ones.and the will to achieve ,maximum.I think, love is all about caring,giving,compassion,and kindness,and these propel a person to do the best,no matter what the situation is.So,although Iam here,I will be putting my best foot forward,and having planned everything perfectly,I am certain I will succeed in surprising them,on both days.The best part is,neither of them know anything about my plans,and are wondering what I am up to.They know me after all!I am excited,and charged,and love is always, the biggest motivator.Love you all.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Letter to a Granny
A being filled with happiness, energy and fun.
Times are good and happy when she is around. She is a
Helping hand in times of trouble. Her smile is as bright as the shing sun
On a bright, hot summer's day.
Oh, how lucky I am that she is my granny. It is always a pleasure to have her with us!
I read Amitabh Bachchans blog every day, and can't help wondering how, a person like him,with his lifestyle,can write on his blog,consistently,constantly,and with a good sense of humour.How many hours does he have in each day?24 hrs.cannot possibly be sufficient, to put in so much, yet,he does it with ease.My analysis is, that where there is a will to achieve,and dedication to go for it,anything is possible,and therein lies his secret.And if he can do it,then what excuse is there ,for ordinary everyday people, to constantly keep procrastinating from everything,because they didn't have the time?I know young men,and women,who very openly say,that they haven't called their parents for months,because they didn't have the time.And everything, other than money making,or for personal gain,is shelved,all behind the facade of being busy.But doing what?And why are important things nudged out, and replaced by those that do not give any personal pleasure,or mental satisfaction?The truth is, if there is a list of priorities,and a will to achieve,everything is possible,and that is the secret to the gigantic persona ,of a world icon,like Amitabh Bachchan.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Since I am in Singapore now,enjoying with my lovely grand daughter,I must tell you about some of the most charming features of this place,which is normally not seen any where else.Firstly,there is a constant air of festivity here,as if everyone is busy celebrating something,or the other.I love going to Orchard Rd.which is the nerve centre,and backbone of this pulsating country,and I feel like a little child,all excited,and totally awe-struck, with the elegance,and bustling energy of the whole place,and all the people,swarming around,like bees to honey.A trip to Takashimaya is also one of my favourites,not only inside,but outside as well,where,after playing musical chairs to acquire a seat,my grand daughter and I, pick out the street food we each love,and relish them,while watching the world go by.The huge, magnificent,buildings all around,housing all the famous brand names of the fashion world,add sophistication,and festivity to the whole place,and excited buyers,tons of tourists from every corner of the world,or people like me who love gallivanting,give flavour,colour,and character, to one of the worlds most famous boulevards.Come, visit me again, for more postcards from S'Pore.Have a very happy day.
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