Today is Father's Day,and every year,on this day,I am immediately reminded of my father,and what a wonderful,great person he was,and a huge influence in my life,even today.In those days,people were very simple,had very lofty principles,and ideals,and lived exemplary lives of honesty,dignity,good values,and stood out as towering examples in every way.My father was a doctor,but well known for being a very humble, soft-spoken,thorough gentleman,devoted to his family,and profession,and always available to both.He wore a charming smile,and his kind,caring ways, gave him instant entry, to every heart he touched.But he was very humorous,and always entertained us with innumerable humorous anecdotes,about life in general.He was a Jack of many trades,fishing,making superb jams, jellies,pickles,and sherbets,an all-in-one musician,who played several instruments with consummate ease,but most of all,a wonderful, caring,loving father,an example to follow.I must also mention my darling father-in-law,who taught me many invaluable lessons in life,which are still my guide lines,and is a huge influence in whatever I do.My husband was also an excellent father in every way,who adored his children,and enjoyed his time with them.
Things are very different now,life is very fast paced,lifestyles have changed,children are facing a very tough,competitive world,but fathers are playing their roles to the hilt.When I see my son's as fathers, I enjoy every moment,and am surprised at the numerous things they tackle,so easily,and comfortably,inspite of their own backbreaking schedules.From bathing their new-born children,to changing diapers,feeding,playing,teaching,and always being there for them,they do it all,which makes me very happy indeed.After all, that is the job of every parent,and every role comes with its own demands,and frills.But the relationship between a father and his children is very special,and today,on Father's Day,I wish all fathers happiness,peace,and fulfilment, in this,their very important role in life.Have fun guyz,enjoy,and smile,and things will fall into place.
Hi Aunty!!! This is such a nice post and a good way to say Thanks!! to all the fathers who have done lots and lots for us!!!