This is an activity for which, I am always in great demand, throughtout the year, and those who are getting ready for the BIIIIG event,book me,months in advance, 2B sure I will be in town,and add a much needed touch of glamour, to their special day.Yes,I am talking of weddings,which,even today,are huge affairs in every Indian household,and we Bengalis ,love to freak out in the food department.We are all food addicts,greatly enjoy all kinds of food,and planning,and preparing for any event, will be totally incomplete,without a very elaborate,very intricate, menu.And this is where I enter,my speciality being desserts,and some of the very popular Bengali savouries,associated with this occasion.In the picture above, you can see the different sweets,and mishti doi,(our famous sweet yoghurt!),all dressed up,ready to leave for the bride's home, on the morning of the wedding.This part of the ritual is very important,and special ,for a Bengali wedding,and a lot of care,planning,and dedication goes into its execution.In Pune,where I live,I have done this job for innumerable weddings,and when the person getting married, comes to me, and says,"You must take charge of all the sweets etc.which will go there,I don't want anything from the shops!"I feel truly fulfilled,and its a compliment I treasure.Most of the brides,and grooms,are children I have known, from their school days,seen them growing up,and to be chosen to play this role, on their most important day,is a great tribute to my passion for cooking,and the level it has reached.I think the reason I am still doing this, is because I love the job,love creating now items, that are received with tremendous appreciation, and it gives me an infinite sense of satisfaction,at a job well done."The greatest source of fulfilment,is pride in what you are doing,"and so,I take on every event as a new,and exciting adventure,and am deeply engrossed in doing a perfect job,every time.That I am still in demand for this intricate,time-consuming,very meticulous job,while stepping into my 70th.year ,is a blessing of God,for which I am ever grateful,and very thankful.C'mon U guyz,where RUR comments?
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