"No matter where in the world you may roam,there's never really a place like home!"Or,"Home is where the heart is," Home sweet home!"These are some of the ways a home is referred to,but my home is my haven,the best place in the world,very peaceful,comfortable,full of love,friendship,and smiles,where I enjoy living,and which creates the atmosphere for me,to give vent to my creativity,dreams,hopes,and aspirations ,and where I am in constant touch with the real me,the person inside.Every one has innumerable facets, but not many explore them,or even realise their presence.But today,I want to share with you,my dear visitors,the place in my home,which is my favourite,and a great attraction for my friends.This is a picture of my terrace,just outside the living/dining/kitchen area,and is always buzzing with animated conversation sessions,lots of food,and musical get-togethers.Many of my friends, refuse to move from here,specially the swing,when they have loaded their plate,chosen their drink,and are fully geared to enjoy their visit.And I love it that way, for it shows they are relaxed,and happy.It has a fairytale appearance on full moon nights,and watching the gorgeous sunset is truly mesmerising,and a photographers delight.It is also my favourite place for thinking,reading,planning my innumerable projects,and just dreaming.I am completely at peace in this little red corner of my precious home.
In the other picture,you can see my dining table, as it looks, when I entertain,which is very often,and regularly,with my dear friend Aninda,who is always an important helping hand,for every occasion.I had to show you this one,so you can see the connexion, between food,friendship,and enjoyment.Thats the real me,and the values I live by. "What is this life,if,full of care,You have no time, to stand,and stare"?Yes,this is my time to enjoy the pleasure of being free of compulsions,and demands,and soaking in the beautiful feeling, of giving in to my own desires,and always doing what I love most.You are most welcome to join me,and share my life,if you have a liking for all of these.
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