Tuesday, March 29, 2011


One of the many questions I am constantly asked is,"What exactly do you do,specially because you live all alone?"Well,I don't mind this curiosity,its perfectly natural,specially because, In Indian society,it is extremely unusual for a lady, of my age,and stage,to live alone,and enjoy every moment of it.The popular concept is,in young age,its always the family,and life revolves around them,and their never ending demands.Its always the woman,who has to stand up to every expectation.And in the process,completely put herself on the shelf, so that she forgets who she is,and loses touch with her inner feelings,her desires,hopes,and aspirations,and becomes an empty shell,holding on to others, to survive.And then, a day dawns, when children have left the coop,the husband is perpetually busy,and the wife has to fend for herself,which she has never learnt to do,because she was either not allowed,or not encouraged to do so.And then starts a life of despair,loneliness,and dejection.
Fortunately for me, my mother taught me,very early in life,that no matter what I was doing,it is extremely imperative, that everyday,I find some time,only for myself,doing things I love,which bring me mental happiness,and give wings to my desires.And I have always followed that,and do it, even now.Having multi-faceted interests, has definitely helped,and being very passionate about whatever I take up,is the secret to the success, that everyone talks about."Where there is love,passion,and dedication,success,fulfilment,and mental peace,are bound to follow".And I can proudly say,that today,after having crossed 70,and "living alone", I am completely at peace with myself,and happy with the way I live.How many can claim that?
To be in love with life,and enjoying the joy of living,creates the energy,and will, to keep going,exploring every avenue,and always looking for ways to improve, enhance,upgrade life, to make it a satisfying experience.I start my day with my favourite hot cup of tea,watching the sun rise,and the magic of the moment, is very mesmerising,and beautiful.I love to write,and do it all the time,even when I'm watching the milk from boiling over.Reading,cooking,travelling,composing poems,music,watching my favourite shows on TV,sports, spending time with friends,talking to my darling grandchildren,being involved in the numerous projects I endorse,you name it,I do it,thats what keeps my life so fulfilling,and creative."The greatest source of energy, is pride in what you are doing!"And of course, the internet has brought the world, within my fingertips.
The person inside is my real guide,and I always give vent to my inner desires,hopes,and aspirations.What people say,or think about me,is irrelevant,unimportant,but what I think about myself, is ALL that matters,because being happy is all about inner peace,and personal calm,which is self generating,and cannot come from outside.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Today,my darling butterball, Reedoo,celebrates his 4th.b'day,and my only thought is,I wish I was there, to celebrate with him.I would have loved to cook something special for him,maybe luchi torkari,some sweets,or a cake,anything that would give the celebration my personal touch.And then,enjoy the day with him.But none of this is possible,and so, I spend my time, thinking of the innumerable memories, that come tumbling out, of the data bank, of my heart,where they are stored,with deep love.
I remember,very vividly,the day Ashis was born.I arrived in the hospital in the afternoon,and a severe storm started,soon after.Being young,and totally unaware of whats going to happen,I was walking around,talking to the other mothers,lined up for their proper time.The doctor,a very renowned expert, kept a watch on me,and my husband sat around, trying to read, to hide his anxiety.He was like a cat on a hot tin roof,nervous,edgy, ignorant about everything,and constantly looking at me,trying to figure out what was happening.In those days, it was innocence that was so touching, in a relationship.We only had each other,and at that crucial moment,he wanted to help, in any way possible.And when I was taken away into the delivery room,the look on his face, is still clearly etched, in my mind.Worry,helplessness,anxiety,all rolled into one.
He was born around 5-40 PM,after a very normal,easy birth,and when we were taken to our room,the huge smile on his fathers sweaty,tired face,made my day,and I forgot about the physical upheaval I had gone through.He was like a little child,excited,happy,and thrilled with the little face in front of him.Both of us loved children,and were completely overjoyed with the arrival of Ashis.He held my hand,as I sipped the hot filter coffee,and lovely soft,white iddlis he had bought,specially for me.The expression of love, varies from person to person,and my husband came from a very simple,conservative family,where it wasn't proper to be demonstrative about such things.But it was this simplicity that always appealed to me,and his childlike gestures really touched my heart.And,in that tiny hospital room,two young people,very mush in love,held their baby,and were getting ready, to write the next chapter, in their beautiful love story.
But hey! Its Reedo's b'day,and he is the most beautiful,cheerful,happy child imaginable,very friendly,very social,loves talking,and a real bundle of joy.My friends say, God brought him into my life,as a special gift,because I love children,love spending time with them,love to knit for them, in short,I enjoy everything with them.And indeed, that is very true.Its a joy to be with my darling, just like the other three,and they have brought me joy,and fulfilment, that cannot be described.And today, on his b'day,I wish him all the very best in everything,and may he always enjoy happiness, in whatever he undertakes,wherever he goes.May God gift him with good health,peace,and lots of smiles,that is my prayer on his 4th.b'day.Love you,my sweetheart!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


No,that is not my new mail id,but the most important aspect of life,which very few know of,or have any idea, about how to get there.It is the Art Of Living,which is the essence of life,and the pursuit of which,brings fulfilment,peace,and is the biggest achievement in life.To most people, specially nowadays,(2011)the meaning of life is, acquiring material assets,in every sphere,every form,the more the merrier,and in the course of achieving this,trample on all the most important values of life,without even a backward glance.Yet,surrounded by the best that money can provide,there is a constant feeling of discontent,restlessness,a mental vacuum,and the feeling, that something is seriously lacking.And that,is the art of living.
Is living all about I,Me and Mine?Is it constantly running in a rat race,trying to keep pace with others,and living according to the terms dictated by personal lifestyle?Making money,is not the same, as making a life,so everyone knows about money making,but very few have any idea of living,or how to enjoy life.Having acquired everything that money can buy,what next?Slowly the realisation dawns,that money doesn't guarantee some of the MOST important gifts of life,like love,good health,mental peace,a sense of fulfilment,and inner calm.If it did, then all the richest people in the world,would have been the happiest, but are they?Liz Taylor died this morning,(Wed.23rd.Mar.)one of the world's most beautiful women,extremely wealthy,surrounded by the world's most eligible men,lacking nothing,except mental peace,health,and the strength of relationships.Many worldwide figures have led miserable personal lives,and Mother Teresa,who owned nothing,was a very peaceful,satisfied,happy person.
The art of living is all about being in love with the joy of living,of loving people,of being there for someone,its about kindness,care,compassion,togetherness,of being ever ready to help,and to hold,and sharing whatever one has,for the benefit of someone, who needs it more.Last year, Mumbai was facing severe floods,but even in that terrible catastrophe,a little roadside boy,was cuddling a small puppy,and holding it tightly, to his heart,to save him,even sharing his meagre food with him.And there are innumerable such instances, of the generosity of human spirit.And strangely,in my own experience, I have seen,that some of the richest, are the meanest,most unscrupulous,unkind,and totally devoid of basic human values.
A life that is lived with love,with sensitivity,respect for others, and constantly looking for opportunities to be of use,somewhere,to someone,somehow.Being happy with whatever God gives,thanking Him for His gifts,and living with contentment,committment,and constantly creating avenues which bring fulfilment,is the art of living,the ultimate achievement in life.One who manages this, is truly a very rich person indeed,for he has attained richness,where it matters most,mentally,and personally.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Recently,I was being interviewed, for an article,in a leading publication,and it started with,"Tell us something about Jonasjoys.What exactly is it?"Well,I'm always very happy to talk about Jonasjoys,because it is entirely my own creation,in which, I have given shape, to my numerous dreams,and with constant hard work,have made it a famous name, here, in a megapolis like Pune.And it gives me immense joy,when I attend parties,or get-togethers,where the gourmet items have been prepared by me, when guests inspect the dinner table and say,"Wow! This looks like a Jonasjoys creation?"It is a very fulfilling,satisfying,and happy moment indeed.
How did this name originate,and who thought about it?The idea was entirely mine,and Jonas comes from my name Jonaki,which means firefly.This name was given to me, by my darling Dad, who always said,that when he came to see me,after I was born,I gave him a big smile.And there and then, he decided to call me, Jonaki, which lights up darkness.As I grew up, I tried telling him,that new-born babies don't smile.But he stuck to his theory,the name stuck to me,and now,it has become famous.And Joys?Because I love to spread joy,whenever,and wherever I can, so Jonasjoys means,the joy spread by Jonaki.
Initially,it was mostly about food,which,as everyone knows, is my passion,hobby, the greatest source of enjoyment,and, in my opinion,the greatest example of love.So, whatever I made,went with this label.Slowly,it branched out into party preparations,infant food,health food,no oil food,and everyone loved it.I was constantly coming out with new ideas,and there were requests for something, in a different avenue.One thing led to another,and my repertoire became very large,very popular,and in constant demand.
Later,Jonasjoys started writing on various topics,composing poems for special occasions,giving advice on different aspects of life,ideas on good living,showing the way out of many difficult moments in life,and writing articles of topical interest,but in a very humourous way,and the reaction to all these was surprising,and amusing.I loved the recognition that came my way,and it only fuelled my desire to achieve more.And today,Jonasjoys is well known for its creativity, in many spheres.Pretty gift wrapping,knitted articles for every age, babies being my top favourites,verses for house-warming,weddings,a new birth,any special occasion,and unhesitatingly, their choice?Jonasjoys!
Now, having crossed 70, Jonasjoys is a constant source of excitement,fun,enjoyment,endless creativity,and always opening up to new horizons.I love challenges,and take them up with great enthusiasm,for if I can handle them well,I will push Jonasjoys up another rung, in the ladder of success.Isn't that a goal worth working for?

Monday, March 21, 2011


Yes, I'm an addict,and a proud one too,
Nothing,or no one,can help me,thats true,
All this, has now, become my obsession,
I'm totally in the grip of my various addictions.
I'm addicted to love,and the happiness it brings,
There is a spring in the step,and makes the heart sing,
Addicted to putting out my hand to hold,
To give peace to someone,and pleasures untold.
My addiction is to wipe a tear,
And always try to spread some cheer,
My life is not about I,Me,or Mine,
Creating smiles, makes me feel so fine.
I'm addicted to spreading warmth everywhere,
In times of need, to always be there,
Give me the strength,Oh Lord,I pray,
To be addicted to living,in every way.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


My dearest Ayon, I can't believe it,but its UR 18th.b'day,and I must confess,I'm feeling really sad, that I couldn't join you, and celebrate this special b'day with you.I would have given you a BIIIIIG hug,held you to my heart,and blessed you,wishing all the very best always,and hoping ALL UR dreams come true.I would have loved to cook something special 4U,the choice would have been yours,and enjoyed every moment with you.A grandchild is always extra special,and the first one,more so,because he brings joy, never experienced B4,and opens the door to so much excitement.
Time has a way of flying past,and you have raced into UR 18th year,B4 we even realised it.Where have the years gone?I remember that day,early morning,when the doctor came, and put you in my hands,and UR head fitted in my palm.I looked at that little face,and suddenly,the tears started flowing,as if a dam had burst.I couldn't do anything to stop them,and all those around were wondering, why I reacted that way.I've never said this to anyone,but today,I'll tell you,UR Dadu had huge plans of what he would do,with his first grandchild,and discussed them with me very often, with the excitement of a little child.I can still see his handsome face,wreathed in smiles,as he listed all that he had in mind,for that occasion.But things turned out differently.I had to handle that moment,all on my own,and that is why I felt so much pain.But soon,that little face, was like a balm to my heart,and I got so much love from you,that my life was completely fulfilled.You made me very happy.
Over the years, we'ev shared lovely moments,and also some very difficult ones too.It wasn't EZ for me to see you go through so many health problems,specially because I couldn't do anything to ease it 4U.But my dearest Ayon,we share deep love,care for each other,have respect,and sensitivity,and on UR 18th b'day,I pray that all UR troubles disappear,and you can enjoy UR life,just as you would want to.And, my darling musician,I love the beautiful music you create,and one day,the world will talk about it,just wait.
So ,Happy 18th.b'day,to someone I love deeply,a very good human being,and just walk on UR own track,UR dreams WILL come true.LOVE YOU,FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART,UR very precious to me.

Friday, March 18, 2011


I'm in the sensational seventies,and life is a ball,
My energy,and enthusiasm,nothing can stall,
I have a lot of dreams,hopes,and aspirations,
Every moment for me now, is a constant celebration.
This is the best time of life for me,
Of compulsions,and demands,I'm completely free,
No deadlines to meet,my time is mine,
And the way I live is perfectly fine!
With a hot cup of tea,I watch the sun rise,
The master painter never ceases to surprise,
Lovely birds flit around,chirping away,
This is how I start each day.
If I feel like it,I just go for a walk,
Or call a friend over,and sit,and talk,
Movies,picnics,and many more,
My life's full of fun,thats for sure.
I can watch a new bud,bloom into a flower,
Or enjoy getting wet,in the season's first shower,
Talk to my grandchildren,the biggest stars in my world,
They add colours of joy,great love,they have stirred.
I can read,or write, or just sit around,
Peace,and pleasure I have found,
What is this life,if full of care
I have no time for enjoyment to spare?

Thursday, March 17, 2011


My dearest Rainbow,this is specially for you.I love talking to you,because I feel really happy,and that is the test of a good relationship.You don't say things just for saying,but because you care,and that makes me feel very good.It is very comforting to know, that there is someone, who thinks about me,cares about what I do,and is in contact all the time.I'm sure you must be wondering what I'm talking about?Yes,UR2 small to understand,but when you asked me, why I don't write in my blog,I realised, that someone is interested in me,in what I do,and wants me to keep doing it.And that was the push I needed.So,here I am, doing what I enjoy most,writing my blog,and talking 2U.
As you know already, I love to write,and I'm always writing something,or the other,and winning awards for them too.But frankly, after my dearest friend,wonderful companion,and the nicest,kindest person in my life,my dearest Mashima, left me, I felt as if, half my body is gone with her,and the loss was too much to handle.You remember the wonderful granny who used to live in the apartment downstairs?Yes, we were best friends,and loving companions, for close to 15 yrs.and the sudden break was a huge shock.Although I wanted to go to my blog,and thought about it constantly,I just didn't have the will to continue.But you have done exactly what a good friend does ,given me the push I needed. So,here I am,doing what I enjoy most,letting my fingers fly,and get my thoughts across.
Thank you for the nudge,and I will be regular now. The New Year(2011) started off very well,but this incident proved 2B a setback,and it was very tough for me.But as you know from FB,I'm having fun, doing whatever I enjoy,and creating things that give me joy.Holi,the festival of colours is around the corner,and all of us RBZ with the preparations.The whole city is in a festive mood,and everyone is fully prepared to plunge into the excitement,and fun.I am making special sweets,because it is customary to serve sweets, after playing with colours.And Jonasjoys preparations are very hot right now.Specially after Loy endorsed it,my name is very high on the list of speciality food, here in Pune.Thats great,right?
Well my dear,bye for now.Leave UR comments,and I'm going 2B very regular now.Thanks for being a very loving,and true friend.God has given me a very special gift I'm always thankful for---YOU!Bhalobasha.