Wednesday, April 6, 2011


No,its not a laughing matter,although I personally feel ,that a sense of humour, is certainly, the most important trait in a person's character,and helps in any situation.But, this is something very important, something I feel very strongly about,and want to create public awareness.MAD here means, Making A Difference,living life in such a way,that there is some concrete contribution to society,and trying to be the change, that we want to see around us.Talking is easy, that is why most people talk about everything all around us, and thats where it all ends.But, its when we decide to do our bit,even if it makes a small difference,that big changes will take place,and we can be of use to society.
Our maids play a very vital role in the household,but lead lives of tremendous hardship,and there's never any end in sight.Every moment means constant struggle,endless worries,with no respite.But if each family decides to help, in some form,or the other,in any small way,things will be different,and the maid will get strength from knowing,that help is available.Of course,there are innumerable instances of a good samaritan,being at the receiving end,but should that stop us from trying to MAD?No,in fact,a small step today,will make a big difference, tomorrow.
In the '40's,when I was very young,I used to see my mother,regularly visit a settlement, of very poor people,near our home,sometimes several times a day.Being too young, I didn't know what she was doing.But one day,she asked me to accompany her,and I've never forgotten that experience.She was completely in charge of the whole settlement,and looked after all their needs.The children were put in schools,and she diligently checked to see how they were coping.My father, being a doctor,was roped in, to look after their medical problems,which were many,and she had arranged for bhajan sessions, counselling,community kitchens,social workers to provide guidance, and help.Every angle was looked after by a lady,who had never been near the gates of a school,as was the system at that time,but who had values,principles,and goals,that surprised everyone,and worked had,to achieve them.And she did.She MAD!
Littering,throwing garbage all over,being disrespectful to the people around us,and our surroundings,talking loudly on the cell phone(the biggest nuisance of the 21st. century!) being late for an appointment,being rude,and discourteous,the list is endless,and the problems, ever increasing.But all we choose to do,is sit around,and talk.But hey! Lets do something concrete,and be responsible,accountable,answerable,for the change,around us. Lets MAD! Start now,and keep going,it really matters!

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